Good news for any Assistance Director that’s had to find Joshua’s constantly disappearing scripts.


Film, television and media production is, at the end of the day, an industry. And like any industry there’s waste. Some unavoidable, but a lot of it is unnecessary.

Many houses have switched to digital only paperwork and the like, and that is something we’re making a part of our rebrand. Further, we’ll be pushing this into our catering, production design and anywhere else we can possibly make changes. As a tech junkie I’ve never been big on making e-waste, and with all the horrendous heavy metals and non-degradable materials in our camera and computer equipment we’ll be looking to find every path that leads away from the landfill as best we can.

Goodbye endless supplies of cups, straws, scripts and callsheets.

When thinking about climate change, waste and our impact on the earth I always feel like anything we do is akin to sweeping the tide back with a broom, but it’s that kind of thinking that perpetuates how we impact our delicate little corner of the universe.

We’re calling it Making Tracks.

Joshua Lundberg is a Writer and Director at Barking Mouse®, and co-Founder along with Producer Georgia Woodward. Together they create films, web series as well as commercial and corporate content for clients.