When we first met with the Ruff Sleepers team it became apparent, quickly, that the issues facing their new not-for-profit endeavour were far more complex than I had initially understood; people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, need services for their pets.
It’s not often you’re provided with an opportunity to subvert opinions of real-life issues, and this was one of those times. We saw how, with the help of generous interviewees, we could present the truth of why pets mean so much to those sleeping rough — cutting away at the cynicism often directed at people on the streets who keep furry family members.
As a lifelong lover of animals, I immediately identified with how much pets could mean to people. I didn’t expect, however, to meet people for whom these animals were so much more: guardians, responsibility, anchors and loving companions when all else had fallen away.
Ruff Sleepers and Pets In The Park are doing incredible work, so check them out. For the moment you can catch the short doc here.
Joshua Lundberg is a Writer and Director at Barking Mouse®, and co-Founder along with Producer Georgia Woodward. Together they create films, web series as well as commercial and corporate content for clients.